Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Lost with an amplifying cold!

I'm getting over a cold that I've had for some time now and its bothering me like crazy. One good thing has come of it though. Since I've been home just trying to relax I've had alot of time to touch up on one of my favorite things in the world, amplifying!!
Today, on my way home from Cool Springs I got lost somewhere in the boones. But I saw a pretty cool looking abandoned house. I like to take shots of random stuff like that so I pulled off to the side of the road and snapped a few before i made my way back the way i came so I could get back to where i needed to be to get home! haha!

I wish i was a licensed doctor so i could get whatever meds I'd need to get rid of this heck of a cold!!

1 comment:

sketchyrabbit said...

hey i was wondering how do u put ur name at the bottom of the pic? how do u do that.... lol