There I laid with my head squashed between two pillows like ham and cheese in 2 pieces of bread wishing only that a Bruce Lee character or fighting monkey even would come running out my closet throwing ninja moves and knocking me out so I could at least get a few seconds of good sleep time, but that didn't happen either.
So I laid there as the sun burst through the window and am forced to hear the noise of all the people going to work or school or wherever they wanted to go because they got some rest and hoping I could just simply fall asleep!
It's about 2:30pm and I give up. How the heck can I fall asleep without pm's now? I never realized just how much of a problem those damn things could cause.
Today's high is 15 and low is around zero with a windshield well into the negatives. I'm glad we're finally beginning to see some colder weather but still no snow. It's fore casted to snow tomorrow, Sunday and Tuesday but I can only remember what happened the last 4 times that was fore casted. The cold just isn't right without snow. I want to sleep in it, ha ha! I'm tired!
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