Thursday, January 29, 2009

Hard Times

Almost every day I take a peek into the York Daily Record(local newspaper)in search of a second job. Work place's have been cutting hours and although I might luck out with the occasional delivery calls I'm beginning to wonder if the hours that I'm getting will be enough.  

Less and less jobs appear each day, yet those ads asking you to place your own ads by telling you that you have something around the house you want to sell, and the ads from all those people hoping to sell their old car's or microwave even probably to simply pay rent for the month are growing and growing.

I've reflected the thought of going back to school and studying for what I've always enjoyed, photography and writing, maybe Photo Journalism. I still want to and hope I will have the opportunity one day but I'm glad I haven't just yet. College is a great thing but it can cause allot of debt and the chances of finding a good and well paying job are much less once graduated anymore. 

It's not like I've ever had a problem getting a job. I have had plenty and almost every one I've applied for I've also been hired for. I have never in my life been to an interview that didn't go well or didn't result in hiring but never did I think that there might not be any jobs to apply for!

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