Monday, February 16, 2009

Weight-loss Weekly!

I had an okay week but Valentine's day was definitely one of the largest temptation days of my lifetime. It wasn't easy by any means but I pulled through. There still is allot of chocolate around the house, some basic candy bars or some sort of high calorie treat, and some are the better well portioned 100 calorie packs. The only thing about the 100 calorie packs and 60 calories snacks is that it can be SO flippin' difficult to limit yourself to just one pack at a time. Especially when it comes to the Mister Salty chocolate covered pretzel packs!!

Today is Monday which means "weight-loss weekly"! I weighed in today at 248lbs resulting in a loss of 5lbs for the week beating my weekly goal of 3lbs! My total loss to the date is 24lbs and counting. It seems like things just get better and better as I proceed in breaking through walls! Next weeks goal is 245lbs.

Remember: Mister Salty is only your friend when he is alone. But when he is joined by ALL of his buddy's or all of his clones it will get bad! ONE PACK AT A TIME!!

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